In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man named Hayashi Minato, who has been raped and murdered by his pig masters. He is the youngest victim of the murder and has been found dead in a forest. The protagonist, however, is not the only one murdered by the pigs. The other victims include Hayashi's younger brother, Hayashi Miura, age 13, who was raped and stabbed repeatedly; Miura's older sister, Hitomi Tamura, age 6, who was murdered; and Hitomi's youngest sister, Tetaharu, age 6. Hayashi wishes that he could be with his daughter on her birthday and sends one of his fingers to her on each birthday as a token of his love.
In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man named Hayashi Minato, who has been raped and murdered by his pig masters. He is the youngest victim of the murder and has been found dead in a forest. The protagonist, however, is not the only one murdered by the pigs. The other victims include Hayashi's younger brother, Hayashi Miura, age 13, who was raped and stabbed repeatedly; Miura's older sister, Hitomi Tamura, age 6, who was murdered; and Hitomi's youngest sister, Tetaharu, age 6. Hayashi wishes that he could be with his daughter on her birthday and sends one of his fingers to her on each birthday as a token of his love.