In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, who is named "Toska." He is a member of the "Tosudenuuu" gang, which is a rival to the Kusatsu gang. We learn that the protagonist's father has been sexually abused by his son the night before. The protagonist explains that this is not the work of "rival gang," but of "passion and deep hatred" . He explains that the victim was stabbed with a blunt knife without using a "sharpened tool" , which would expedite the torture and ensure that he would still be alive when he is transported to the hospital. He also explains that he was sent by his father 34 years ago to "discipline his brother . . my child ." The protagonist is very angry at his father for sending his son to do such a thing. He tells his father that his son will be fine, but that his father will not be happy. He says that he hopes this is the "icing on the cake" so that he can finally learn to control his anger.
In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, who is named "Toska." He is a member of the "Tosudenuuu" gang, which is a rival to the Kusatsu gang. We learn that the protagonist's father has been sexually abused by his son the night before. The protagonist explains that this is not the work of "rival gang," but of "passion and deep hatred" . He explains that the victim was stabbed with a blunt knife without using a "sharpened tool" , which would expedite the torture and ensure that he would still be alive when he is transported to the hospital. He also explains that he was sent by his father 34 years ago to "discipline his brother . . my child ." The protagonist is very angry at his father for sending his son to do such a thing. He tells his father that his son will be fine, but that his father will not be happy. He says that he hopes this is the "icing on the cake" so that he can finally learn to control his anger.