Fair Wind Scroll • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-3504363
Fair Wind Scroll • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-3504364
Fair Wind Scroll • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-3504365
Chapter 58
This is a locked chapterChapter 58
About This Chapter
Ruxue is overjoyed to see his old friend back. He's been waiting for him for a long time, and now that he's back, he can't wait to see him again. He tells her that he was reborn to protect the place and not to rely on the beliefs of the people around him. He says that he can bring her back to the temple as long as she wants to. He also says that tomorrow, he'll bring her the persimmons he planted. They're big and sweet and taste just like the fruit she gave him before. He asks her to go find the red pandas today, and she says that she'll accompany him whenever she wants.
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Fair Wind Scroll • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-3504363
Fair Wind Scroll • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-3504364
Fair Wind Scroll • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-3504365
Chapter 58
This is a locked chapterChapter 58
About This Chapter
Ruxue is overjoyed to see his old friend back. He's been waiting for him for a long time, and now that he's back, he can't wait to see him again. He tells her that he was reborn to protect the place and not to rely on the beliefs of the people around him. He says that he can bring her back to the temple as long as she wants to. He also says that tomorrow, he'll bring her the persimmons he planted. They're big and sweet and taste just like the fruit she gave him before. He asks her to go find the red pandas today, and she says that she'll accompany him whenever she wants.
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