The funeral rites shop offers a reward to anyone who solves a case. Fu helps them solve a case every time he helps them. They always ask him to accept the money, since he hasnt returned yet. Fu says he will head out first, since they have another mission, so they will be leaving now. He says that he will not be able to refuse the money because he does not know how to walk in the underworld anymore. He then goes on to say that he has upgraded the demon ape to its final form, the true demon self-ape incarnate . He also says that his mother sent the skeleton home the day before, and now he needs to confirm his theory that he defeated the little men in the suburbs before heading to the lake village. Two hours later, the second uncle, the third uncle, and his parents are asleep. They say that they will take them to a hospit for an examination the next day. The second uncle and his uncle will be there if anything happens. The third uncle says that they don't need to thank them, because they are already asleep. The uncle then says that there is a package for him downstairs . It is a mental seal that also has an attack power. The seals are divided into nine levels, and each level costs two levels of the seal. In low fantasy, the seals are separated into 9 levels, while in high fantasy, they are split into 10 levels. In the first level, the seal teaches you how to materialize; in the second level, it teaches how to use the seal to spy on enemies. Three days later, a