The next morning, Ming-tingting notices that Ming is attending a beginners class at a nearby martial arts school. Ming tells him that he has come to practice with the other students. Ming then tells Ming that he is going to teach him how to do a kick that he calls "the sidekick" . Ming is amazed at the skill Ming shows, but he is worried that the students are not serious about learning the kick. Ming asks if he can borrow money from Ming again.
The next morning, Ming-tingting notices that Ming is attending a beginners class at a nearby martial arts school. Ming tells him that he has come to practice with the other students. Ming then tells Ming that he is going to teach him how to do a kick that he calls "the sidekick" . Ming is amazed at the skill Ming shows, but he is worried that the students are not serious about learning the kick. Ming asks if he can borrow money from Ming again.