The prince of the kingdom of hailanyue congratulates tianxiang on his extraordinary beauty. He then asks yue what she brought with her. yue says that she brought a mermaid pearl, but that she can't give it to her because it's too precious for her. The prince says that he's here to help her, and yue tells him to accept the pearl. She says that the pearl belongs to wushuang, and the prince says he'll have to ask her why. He says that according to the horoscope, he will be the mother of their kingdom, and that's why he proposed to her. He's sorry to break the news to yue, but he still believes in love's own way. .
The prince of the kingdom of hailanyue congratulates tianxiang on his extraordinary beauty. He then asks yue what she brought with her. yue says that she brought a mermaid pearl, but that she can't give it to her because it's too precious for her. The prince says that he's here to help her, and yue tells him to accept the pearl. She says that the pearl belongs to wushuang, and the prince says he'll have to ask her why. He says that according to the horoscope, he will be the mother of their kingdom, and that's why he proposed to her. He's sorry to break the news to yue, but he still believes in love's own way. .