In this chapter, we learn that the emperor of Xiaoyue has arrived at the banquet hall, and that the prince of the Dongchen kingdom has just spent two million gold on food and drink. The emperor asks the prince to take a seat, but the prince refuses, saying that he likes the hammer so much that he has to sleep with it. The prince asks for lychees, and the princess says that she likes lychees too, but that she doesn't like grapes. She tells the prince that he should eat some grapes, because the prince's mouth is hurting. The princess tells her father that the king wants to see her fiancee, and she tells him to tell him that she will only wait for half the incense stick to burn out before he can see her. She says that if the prince cares so much about her, then he will die in her hands.
In this chapter, we learn that the emperor of Xiaoyue has arrived at the banquet hall, and that the prince of the Dongchen kingdom has just spent two million gold on food and drink. The emperor asks the prince to take a seat, but the prince refuses, saying that he likes the hammer so much that he has to sleep with it. The prince asks for lychees, and the princess says that she likes lychees too, but that she doesn't like grapes. She tells the prince that he should eat some grapes, because the prince's mouth is hurting. The princess tells her father that the king wants to see her fiancee, and she tells him to tell him that she will only wait for half the incense stick to burn out before he can see her. She says that if the prince cares so much about her, then he will die in her hands.