In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "Ganymede" , who is a member of the "Guildhall" . We learn that his name is "Luciano" and that he has just graduated from college. He has just received a job offer from a friend, and he is very excited about the prospect of working for her. We are also introduced to "Lucian"'s friend, "Haze," who tells us that he is also in love with her and wishes that he could marry her.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "Ganymede" , who is a member of the "Guildhall" . We learn that his name is "Luciano" and that he has just graduated from college. He has just received a job offer from a friend, and he is very excited about the prospect of working for her. We are also introduced to "Lucian"'s friend, "Haze," who tells us that he is also in love with her and wishes that he could marry her.