In the meantime, the Mings have learned that the emperor has not been found. The Mings decide to build a tomb for the emperor and bury his clothes in it. The emperor orders Ming to fetch the emperor back to the imperial city immediately. Ming wonders how he is now, and wonders if he has enough inner force to jump on the cliff. He asks the emperor if he is hit by another poison, and the emperor replies that he is not. The two men decide to climb the cliff together, and Ming says that he will tie a liana to a cord so that they can climb together if he falls down.
In the meantime, the Mings have learned that the emperor has not been found. The Mings decide to build a tomb for the emperor and bury his clothes in it. The emperor orders Ming to fetch the emperor back to the imperial city immediately. Ming wonders how he is now, and wonders if he has enough inner force to jump on the cliff. He asks the emperor if he is hit by another poison, and the emperor replies that he is not. The two men decide to climb the cliff together, and Ming says that he will tie a liana to a cord so that they can climb together if he falls down.