The queen tells the prince that the emperor wants him to meet him immediately. The prince says that he will go to sleep first so that he can pray for the king's blessings the next day. The queen asks the prince to pray that the festival has ended and that God has decided to bless the country as a peaceful, prosperous country. The king says that all the people in the kingdom are royal blood and that he is a glorious king. He asks the queen to protect him and the emperor, but the queen tells him that he should not touch her. She says that if the emperor did not help her, she would never be his con-timer nonsense. She asks him to protect her and the queen, and he replies that he would never do such a thing. He tells her that he must help the emperor kill him. He says that the queen is also deeply rooted and that she should not give him such a beautiful person. He adds that if he does not believe her, he will not believe the emperor's thoughts about him.
The queen tells the prince that the emperor wants him to meet him immediately. The prince says that he will go to sleep first so that he can pray for the king's blessings the next day. The queen asks the prince to pray that the festival has ended and that God has decided to bless the country as a peaceful, prosperous country. The king says that all the people in the kingdom are royal blood and that he is a glorious king. He asks the queen to protect him and the emperor, but the queen tells him that he should not touch her. She says that if the emperor did not help her, she would never be his con-timer nonsense. She asks him to protect her and the queen, and he replies that he would never do such a thing. He tells her that he must help the emperor kill him. He says that the queen is also deeply rooted and that she should not give him such a beautiful person. He adds that if he does not believe her, he will not believe the emperor's thoughts about him.