The scene opens with the arrival of the fourth brother and sister-in-law of the emperor, and the concubine of the duke. The duke and his wife are in the garden of the imperial palace, where they are greeted by the duke's mother, who tells them that rumors have been circulating that the duke and the queen are at odds. The mother tells the duke that he should marry his wife first so that she can show off her beauty to the emperor and the empress.
The scene opens with the arrival of the fourth brother and sister-in-law of the emperor, and the concubine of the duke. The duke and his wife are in the garden of the imperial palace, where they are greeted by the duke's mother, who tells them that rumors have been circulating that the duke and the queen are at odds. The mother tells the duke that he should marry his wife first so that she can show off her beauty to the emperor and the empress.