In the meantime, the prince has found a pair of earrings that belong to the royal consort. The prince asks the prince where the body parts are, and the prince replies that he had sworn that he would keep the body safe, if anyone dared to destroy it. He then asks if the prince had set the body on fire in order to release his revenge, or if it was the prince who had removed his status. When the prince realizes that the body belongs to him, he asks why he had to come to the prince's life in the first place. He tells the prince that when jin-ling was destroyed, his brother was burned to death, and he was the one who had turned into a corpse. When he heard that his brother had been killed, he took the body of his brother and set it on fire.
In the meantime, the prince has found a pair of earrings that belong to the royal consort. The prince asks the prince where the body parts are, and the prince replies that he had sworn that he would keep the body safe, if anyone dared to destroy it. He then asks if the prince had set the body on fire in order to release his revenge, or if it was the prince who had removed his status. When the prince realizes that the body belongs to him, he asks why he had to come to the prince's life in the first place. He tells the prince that when jin-ling was destroyed, his brother was burned to death, and he was the one who had turned into a corpse. When he heard that his brother had been killed, he took the body of his brother and set it on fire.