The young marquis asks the imperial prince where he is, and the prince tells him that he has come to take care of the marquis. The prince tells the young man that he remembers him from the first time he saw him in the water, and that he wishes that he could have saved him immediately, but he did not see him anywhere. He says that he will never leave the young woman alone. The young man asks to be brought back with them to the ship, but the prince says that they will have to kill all of the men in the cabinet.
The young marquis asks the imperial prince where he is, and the prince tells him that he has come to take care of the marquis. The prince tells the young man that he remembers him from the first time he saw him in the water, and that he wishes that he could have saved him immediately, but he did not see him anywhere. He says that he will never leave the young woman alone. The young man asks to be brought back with them to the ship, but the prince says that they will have to kill all of the men in the cabinet.