The next morning, the emperor asks the royal consort to go with him to a sacred mountain to bless him. The royal consort tells the emperor that her arm also has a butterfly mark, which she thinks is the same mark as the one on the emperor's body. The emperor tells her that he has to go to the mountain because the emperor has asked him to do so. He tells her to be careful, since he has received a pigeon that requires her to return immediately to meet the emperor.
The next morning, the emperor asks the royal consort to go with him to a sacred mountain to bless him. The royal consort tells the emperor that her arm also has a butterfly mark, which she thinks is the same mark as the one on the emperor's body. The emperor tells her that he has to go to the mountain because the emperor has asked him to do so. He tells her to be careful, since he has received a pigeon that requires her to return immediately to meet the emperor.