The next morning, the emperor tells the prince that he has desecrated him. He tells him that he spent his whole life fighting to keep the empire strong, but he could not protect the people from his side. He says that each of his friends and servants have died because of him, and that he is the only one who is left behind. The emperor says that he woke up last night, scared him to death, and told him about his secret. The prince says that if he smells fresh blood, he will lose control of the empire, and he will not let him eat anything that is
The next morning, the emperor tells the prince that he has desecrated him. He tells him that he spent his whole life fighting to keep the empire strong, but he could not protect the people from his side. He says that each of his friends and servants have died because of him, and that he is the only one who is left behind. The emperor says that he woke up last night, scared him to death, and told him about his secret. The prince says that if he smells fresh blood, he will lose control of the empire, and he will not let him eat anything that is