The narrator wakes up in the middle of the night. He's so tired that he wants to go to sleep, but he can't because he's been woken up by the Governess. The Governess is all, "What place is this?" , and the narrator is all "What's wrong with you?" . He tells her that she's sleeping in his room, and that he'll have to go out to get her luggage. She's all "I'm tired, I want to sleep" . She tells him that she woke up in her room because she was tired of her uncle's "misleading" conversation the night before, and now she wants to sleep with him. She says that she doesn't want her uncle to leave her alone with him, but she wants him to come out and see what's going on. She asks him if he can go out for a walk, and he says he can, and then she can go back to her room and change into her new clothes. She thanks him for all of his hard work, and says she'll come back later that day to change into a nicer outfit. He says she can come back with him later, and they'll all go to the zoo together. They're all excited to see the zoo, and she thanks them all for giving her so many dresses. She also thanks her sister, who gave her a lot of dresses, and asks them to buy some fruit for her. She