Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426014
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426015
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426016
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426017
Chapter 74
This is a locked chapterChapter 74
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Ming Sun tells his fiance that he will protect him from anyone who tries to take him away from him. He tells Ming Sun that he has contacted the police and will explain the situation to them. Ming Sun says that everything was staged by Xiaotian. He says that he kept everything as they were because he was looking forward one day to finding Ming Sun and bringing him back. He also says that the police station has provided him with many clues and help in finding him, and he will return soon
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Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426014
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426015
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426016
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 74 • Page ik-page-3426017
Chapter 74
This is a locked chapterChapter 74
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Ming Sun tells his fiance that he will protect him from anyone who tries to take him away from him. He tells Ming Sun that he has contacted the police and will explain the situation to them. Ming Sun says that everything was staged by Xiaotian. He says that he kept everything as they were because he was looking forward one day to finding Ming Sun and bringing him back. He also says that the police station has provided him with many clues and help in finding him, and he will return soon
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