Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-3111809
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-3111810
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-3111811
Chapter 60
This is a locked chapterChapter 60
About This Chapter
When the teacher wakes up, he finds that his student has been sleeping in his class. The teacher is furious and threatens to kill the student if he hears him repeat the same behavior. He tells the student that his parents did not teach him to respect his teacher, and that he dared to beat the teacher. The student is outraged and tells the teacher that he will kill the teacher if the teacher hears him say the same thing again. When the student returns home, the teacher tells him that his mother has found a new school for him.
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Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-3111809
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-3111810
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-3111811
Chapter 60
This is a locked chapterChapter 60
About This Chapter
When the teacher wakes up, he finds that his student has been sleeping in his class. The teacher is furious and threatens to kill the student if he hears him repeat the same behavior. He tells the student that his parents did not teach him to respect his teacher, and that he dared to beat the teacher. The student is outraged and tells the teacher that he will kill the teacher if the teacher hears him say the same thing again. When the student returns home, the teacher tells him that his mother has found a new school for him.
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