Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 69 • Page ik-page-3426161
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 69 • Page ik-page-3426162
Open Your Eyes To Darkness • Chapter 69 • Page ik-page-3426163
Chapter 69
This is a locked chapterChapter 69
About This Chapter
The mask magician shows up in the middle of the night. He's the one who pulled the hair from the puppet, and he's been using it as a medium to control the others. He explains that they're going to have to go back to the original state of the others before they can do anything with the hair. He says they'll have to find the other puppets first, since they haven't yet found theirs. The head hurts, and the body is back in the same state as the wooden men. They're back to being human beings.
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