The demon god tells the monster that he is too strong to be defeated. He says that if the monster wants something, he has to pay for it. The monster says that the place where he is hiding is more suitable for him to be nourished. He asks the monster who he is, and the monster replies that he does not know him, but that he has finally fallen into his hands. He tells the beast that he wants to see how complacent the beast is, but he cannot find him, because the place is so isolated. The beast says that he will not kill the beast now, as long as the beast obeys the true god and joins the cult. He then asks the beast what he is holding. The mark of the god is given by the god, and only those who have been approved by god can own it. He grabs the mark, trembles, and then smashes it with his hand. He feels the mark on his hand, and he feels the force of the mark. He knows that the mark belongs to the god and that he can use it to know more about the god. He wants to help the beast, so he tells him not to rush ahead, and to wait for him. He also tells the creature that he did not expect the beast to actually come to this world, and wonders how many places in the world like this do the god cult have. He promises that the beast will soon know that he was used as nourishment, and that soon he will be able to understand more about them. When the beast asks why the castle is shaking, he says that it looks like they are locked inside the castle