Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117427
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117421
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117471
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117452
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117438
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117433
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117417
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117419
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117424
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117420
Chapter 70
This is a locked chapterChapter 70
About This Chapter
The bead is a drop of the blood of the heavenly snake, which has fought against the dragon ancestor in ancient times. The bead turns out to be a rare stone that has been absorbed by the drop of blood. When the bead is opened, it is clear that someone is trying to break through to the higher realm. The young master is in the middle of a big battle, and the place where he is gathering his spirit force is at a restaurant called "Piaoxiang" .
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Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117427
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117421
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117471
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117452
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117438
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117433
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117417
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117419
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117424
Swallow an Immortal World • Chapter 70 • Page ik-page-2117420
Chapter 70
This is a locked chapterChapter 70
About This Chapter
The bead is a drop of the blood of the heavenly snake, which has fought against the dragon ancestor in ancient times. The bead turns out to be a rare stone that has been absorbed by the drop of blood. When the bead is opened, it is clear that someone is trying to break through to the higher realm. The young master is in the middle of a big battle, and the place where he is gathering his spirit force is at a restaurant called "Piaoxiang" .
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