Otaku Savior

Otaku Savior • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-3600015
Otaku Savior • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-3600016
Chapter 62
This is a locked chapterChapter 62
About This Chapter
This chapter opens on the outside of the boss's house, where a procession is in progress. The boss is overcome with gratitude for the assistance he has received from the master. He asks the master to take a picture of him and the master, and he thanks the master for saving his life the day before. The coach says that when dealing with multiple enemies, we must attack their weakest points in one blow. The weakest point of a human male is, the coach says, that day, when the robbers were all cleaned up. After that, the robbery victims were all cleansed up. The master says that this is a thank you gift, but that he also has the resources to open up the market for dog training. He suggests that they set up a training academy in the province and build up their reputation, then take over the country and eventually the world. The idea is to advertise that the best dog trainer in the world is in China, and that the rich dogs should be sent to this academy. The rich dogs will receive a certificate of training, and the fees will be lowered.
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Otaku Savior

Otaku Savior • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-3600015
Otaku Savior • Chapter 62 • Page ik-page-3600016
Chapter 62
This is a locked chapterChapter 62
About This Chapter
This chapter opens on the outside of the boss's house, where a procession is in progress. The boss is overcome with gratitude for the assistance he has received from the master. He asks the master to take a picture of him and the master, and he thanks the master for saving his life the day before. The coach says that when dealing with multiple enemies, we must attack their weakest points in one blow. The weakest point of a human male is, the coach says, that day, when the robbers were all cleaned up. After that, the robbery victims were all cleansed up. The master says that this is a thank you gift, but that he also has the resources to open up the market for dog training. He suggests that they set up a training academy in the province and build up their reputation, then take over the country and eventually the world. The idea is to advertise that the best dog trainer in the world is in China, and that the rich dogs should be sent to this academy. The rich dogs will receive a certificate of training, and the fees will be lowered.
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