The roar of the dragon's staff is a powerful killing move, sucking all of the power out of the beast's soul and soul. If the staff does not stop, all the power and soul of her dragon will be taken away. She coughs and coughs until she realizes that the staff is sucking her dragon power. She tells her brother that if he does not get rid of the staff, the circle of sorcery will collapse. He tells her that he has always been a good person, but if he tries to kill her, he will stab her land. He says that the name of the black dragon, mian long, can make him willing to kill him. She says that she should have already killed him.
The roar of the dragon's staff is a powerful killing move, sucking all of the power out of the beast's soul and soul. If the staff does not stop, all the power and soul of her dragon will be taken away. She coughs and coughs until she realizes that the staff is sucking her dragon power. She tells her brother that if he does not get rid of the staff, the circle of sorcery will collapse. He tells her that he has always been a good person, but if he tries to kill her, he will stab her land. He says that the name of the black dragon, mian long, can make him willing to kill him. She says that she should have already killed him.