In the palace, the whole gang is crying because they were tricked into believing that the queen was going to kill them all. They need to kill all the dragons to avenge what they've done. They're not sure where they're going to find the dragons, so they'll have to kill the whole palace. Sister Ming says that it seems the queen knew about the double blood pact between the queen and her brother, and she made the wise decision to kill both of them. She's happy that she's finally made the right decision, and wishes that she could use her power to make the world a better place. The whole gang thinks that the wounds have healed, but they still feel like there's still a lot of work to be done. The kingdom of ba isn't a place, they say, but the people are the ones who need to rebuild it. They can't stop crying, though, because they have to work together to rebuild the kingdom.
In the palace, the whole gang is crying because they were tricked into believing that the queen was going to kill them all. They need to kill all the dragons to avenge what they've done. They're not sure where they're going to find the dragons, so they'll have to kill the whole palace. Sister Ming says that it seems the queen knew about the double blood pact between the queen and her brother, and she made the wise decision to kill both of them. She's happy that she's finally made the right decision, and wishes that she could use her power to make the world a better place. The whole gang thinks that the wounds have healed, but they still feel like there's still a lot of work to be done. The kingdom of ba isn't a place, they say, but the people are the ones who need to rebuild it. They can't stop crying, though, because they have to work together to rebuild the kingdom.