The next morning, the three of them go to the temple, where they find that the emperor is hiding. The three are worried about what the emperor will do if he uses the horned dragon weapon, which is a very powerful weapon. They also worry about the safety of the other men, who slipped down the slippery cliff and were caught by the rope. The rope is broken, and they fall onto the trees below the cliff. Gao is still hanging over the cliff, and he is seriously injured. The rain is getting heavier, and the vines are getting wet. He is able to walk on the water again, and gao is saved. He tells the story of how he used the dragon weapons to weaken the prime minister, and how he killed his mother 13 years ago.
The next morning, the three of them go to the temple, where they find that the emperor is hiding. The three are worried about what the emperor will do if he uses the horned dragon weapon, which is a very powerful weapon. They also worry about the safety of the other men, who slipped down the slippery cliff and were caught by the rope. The rope is broken, and they fall onto the trees below the cliff. Gao is still hanging over the cliff, and he is seriously injured. The rain is getting heavier, and the vines are getting wet. He is able to walk on the water again, and gao is saved. He tells the story of how he used the dragon weapons to weaken the prime minister, and how he killed his mother 13 years ago.