The concubine tells the emperor that he has found out that the emperor is an idiot. The emperor sends a lot of fighters to Luo village in order to kill the emperor, but the emperor has been hiding low for so long that he finally seizes the opportunity to show off his skill. Concubine says he can't wait to see the show. He says that if it weren't for him, the emperor wouldn't have been able to survive until now. He also says that he will use his head when he dies so that he can please the emperor. He adds that he won't be able to break the iron ring that the old fox hid in his head. The old fox hides the ring too bad, and he's been putting his guards against him. He calls him "my lord" and says he'll kill him if he doesn't kill his father. The year 772 is the year of han ji's death, and the whole clan of the emperor's relatives and officials is fighting to death. The new emperor, Ren Gu, is the leader of the dragon temple and the new prime minister, Heng Bo. Ren Gu is 31 years old, and his brother Gu is 17 years old. Gu says that the new emperor is not only not an idiot but also amazing. He compares Gu to the emperor who is in the village and says that Gu is much better in terms of tactics and courage than Gu. Gu is happy that the meeting ends and that the disease of the court has ended. Gu finally achieved what he wanted. The
The concubine tells the emperor that he has found out that the emperor is an idiot. The emperor sends a lot of fighters to Luo village in order to kill the emperor, but the emperor has been hiding low for so long that he finally seizes the opportunity to show off his skill. Concubine says he can't wait to see the show. He says that if it weren't for him, the emperor wouldn't have been able to survive until now. He also says that he will use his head when he dies so that he can please the emperor. He adds that he won't be able to break the iron ring that the old fox hid in his head. The old fox hides the ring too bad, and he's been putting his guards against him. He calls him "my lord" and says he'll kill him if he doesn't kill his father. The year 772 is the year of han ji's death, and the whole clan of the emperor's relatives and officials is fighting to death. The new emperor, Ren Gu, is the leader of the dragon temple and the new prime minister, Heng Bo. Ren Gu is 31 years old, and his brother Gu is 17 years old. Gu says that the new emperor is not only not an idiot but also amazing. He compares Gu to the emperor who is in the village and says that Gu is much better in terms of tactics and courage than Gu. Gu is happy that the meeting ends and that the disease of the court has ended. Gu finally achieved what he wanted. The