The next day, the king's infirmary gives the prince only two days to rest before he is allowed to return to the court. He tells the prince that he will have to wait until the next day before he can return to court, but the prince does not believe him. He says that he has seen the queen in front of his house, and that she is "pretty good" . The prince says that the marriage between him and baoyang has been delayed, but he will not marry the "barbarian" since he has enjoyed the glory of being a princess
The next day, the king's infirmary gives the prince only two days to rest before he is allowed to return to the court. He tells the prince that he will have to wait until the next day before he can return to court, but the prince does not believe him. He says that he has seen the queen in front of his house, and that she is "pretty good" . The prince says that the marriage between him and baoyang has been delayed, but he will not marry the "barbarian" since he has enjoyed the glory of being a princess