When the emperor arrives at the palace, he is greeted by the empress, who tells him that the emperor's wife is expecting a baby. The empress tells the emperor that she has been removed from her family's line and that she is not a member of the royal family anymore. The emperor asks her to thank him for his kindness, but she refuses, saying that she was once married to the king's secretary. She asks the emperor to give her a reward for her kindness, and the emperor tells her that she should thank him as well. He tells her to lead the way to the banquet hall, where she can change her clothes
When the emperor arrives at the palace, he is greeted by the empress, who tells him that the emperor's wife is expecting a baby. The empress tells the emperor that she has been removed from her family's line and that she is not a member of the royal family anymore. The emperor asks her to thank him for his kindness, but she refuses, saying that she was once married to the king's secretary. She asks the emperor to give her a reward for her kindness, and the emperor tells her that she should thank him as well. He tells her to lead the way to the banquet hall, where she can change her clothes