The Governess is in the middle of a soliloquy when suddenly the Governess interrupts the play. She's not crying, she's just trying to get out of the way of the villain, the red-riding-hood. She tells him that he's probably going to die in his hands, and she can't do anything to change that. She says that it's really tiring to watch him struggle in vain, and that he should leave the stage. She asks if the play is still going on, and he says yes. He says that if the fight doesn't go his way, then he'll have someone else to do it for him. He wants to finish the villain off today. He tells her that he will finish her off today! the plot is messed up! the red riding-hood is great! he says. he wants to see him try! is this okay to do? is it okay? they're just recreating the story in the real world, and no one will be able to make any difference. bam, this is just an impromptu performance, and the actors are recreating the scene on the spot. more rubbish is just more rubbish. let's do it!
The Governess is in the middle of a soliloquy when suddenly the Governess interrupts the play. She's not crying, she's just trying to get out of the way of the villain, the red-riding-hood. She tells him that he's probably going to die in his hands, and she can't do anything to change that. She says that it's really tiring to watch him struggle in vain, and that he should leave the stage. She asks if the play is still going on, and he says yes. He says that if the fight doesn't go his way, then he'll have someone else to do it for him. He wants to finish the villain off today. He tells her that he will finish her off today! the plot is messed up! the red riding-hood is great! he says. he wants to see him try! is this okay to do? is it okay? they're just recreating the story in the real world, and no one will be able to make any difference. bam, this is just an impromptu performance, and the actors are recreating the scene on the spot. more rubbish is just more rubbish. let's do it!