It's been three days since the play's first performance, and the young actors are still struggling with the props team. They're also struggling with zhugong, who's obsessed with perfection. The two of them have a "kindred spirit" , and if they were to work together on new inventions, they'd be unstoppable. But they've already decided that they want to work on something else, and they don't know where to look for their sister. They go off to find her, and when they get there, they find out that she's not there, and that she has a younger sister named Ani. Ani asks her dad to bring her to the play so she can talk to her older sister, and he agrees. Ani tells her dad that he's wasting his youth by insisting on writing novels that no one will read. He should write novels for the otakus, she says, because money is the "most important thing in the world" .
It's been three days since the play's first performance, and the young actors are still struggling with the props team. They're also struggling with zhugong, who's obsessed with perfection. The two of them have a "kindred spirit" , and if they were to work together on new inventions, they'd be unstoppable. But they've already decided that they want to work on something else, and they don't know where to look for their sister. They go off to find her, and when they get there, they find out that she's not there, and that she has a younger sister named Ani. Ani asks her dad to bring her to the play so she can talk to her older sister, and he agrees. Ani tells her dad that he's wasting his youth by insisting on writing novels that no one will read. He should write novels for the otakus, she says, because money is the "most important thing in the world" .