This is a locked chapterChapter 9: Leather Jacket I: Charm
About This Chapter
This short story is a fictional work inspired by real events. It is set in the fictional town of Gejayan, in East Java, Indonesia. It tells the story of a girl named Icha who has recently witnessed an event beyond belief. The girl's brother passed away during the month of Ramadan. She narrates that she witnessed the event from the point of view of her family and friends. Her brother worked for a laundry and dry cleaning company. He used to pass by the company's sorting room every day just to see the jacket still there. Four months later, Icha meets up with her high school classmate, who also happens to be a friend of hers. Icha is wearing a leather jacket that Icha bought for her from the laundry company. She and Icha talk like old friends.