In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "Heart Moon," who is the leader of a team of robbers. We learn that she has been kicked out of her former team, and that she is now joining a new team led by a man named "Tao." The two of them have been watching a live stream of a tournament in which they are competing against each other, and they are now joined by "heart moon" , who is also a member of the new team. "Heart moon" tells "tao" that she will tell everyone why she left the old team during the live stream, and if she wins the tournament, she will reveal the reason for her expulsion.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "Heart Moon," who is the leader of a team of robbers. We learn that she has been kicked out of her former team, and that she is now joining a new team led by a man named "Tao." The two of them have been watching a live stream of a tournament in which they are competing against each other, and they are now joined by "heart moon" , who is also a member of the new team. "Heart moon" tells "tao" that she will tell everyone why she left the old team during the live stream, and if she wins the tournament, she will reveal the reason for her expulsion.