This is a locked chapterChapter 47: Third-Year Students
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to Hiroshi, who has been living in Japan for almost a year. He is still very new to his new environment, but he is enjoying his time there. He asks how things are going with him, and he is concerned about the fact that yamaken is making passes at him. Hiroshi tells him that he is very special to him in recent days, and that there is something on his mind that he wishes he could say to his girl. He says that he believes that if he knew him, then he would believe that he was spending his days productively working toward his goal. Now that he knows him, he believes he is spending his time actively working toward that goal.
This is a locked chapterChapter 47: Third-Year Students
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to Hiroshi, who has been living in Japan for almost a year. He is still very new to his new environment, but he is enjoying his time there. He asks how things are going with him, and he is concerned about the fact that yamaken is making passes at him. Hiroshi tells him that he is very special to him in recent days, and that there is something on his mind that he wishes he could say to his girl. He says that he believes that if he knew him, then he would believe that he was spending his days productively working toward his goal. Now that he knows him, he believes he is spending his time actively working toward that goal.