Back at school, Gulliver is trying to figure out how to get along with his new friends. He's worried that they're going to call him a "friend" instead of a "brother" or a "sister" , and he's also worried about what they'll think of him if they call him "friendless" . But he doesn't care, because he wants to be friends again. He wants to know more about them, so that he can kill his "sixth-grade self" if he needs to.
Back at school, Gulliver is trying to figure out how to get along with his new friends. He's worried that they're going to call him a "friend" instead of a "brother" or a "sister" , and he's also worried about what they'll think of him if they call him "friendless" . But he doesn't care, because he wants to be friends again. He wants to know more about them, so that he can kill his "sixth-grade self" if he needs to.