The emperor asks what his intentions are, and the prince replies that he wants to settle his debts with the young woman. The emperor knows that the woman is on his side, but she did not spare her. The prince says that he dares disobey the master. He is afraid that keeping jiuniang will result in disaster. He knows that bunny is trying to fool the emperor, but he is afraid of what will happen to him if he keeps him. He says that the emperor has been poisoned, and that the reason for his death was fatigue. He promises to protect the prince.
The emperor asks what his intentions are, and the prince replies that he wants to settle his debts with the young woman. The emperor knows that the woman is on his side, but she did not spare her. The prince says that he dares disobey the master. He is afraid that keeping jiuniang will result in disaster. He knows that bunny is trying to fool the emperor, but he is afraid of what will happen to him if he keeps him. He says that the emperor has been poisoned, and that the reason for his death was fatigue. He promises to protect the prince.