The Emperor tells his servant that he never thought that the mole beside him was actually his wife. He tells her to come and hit him if she can. He says that he's the emperor and she is the noble consort, so she can try her best to provoke him, but he'll retaliate if she tries. The Emperor praises his servant for being "smart and courageous" and tells him to read the mood. The mood says that each side wants the other to exchange one condition
The Emperor tells his servant that he never thought that the mole beside him was actually his wife. He tells her to come and hit him if she can. He says that he's the emperor and she is the noble consort, so she can try her best to provoke him, but he'll retaliate if she tries. The Emperor praises his servant for being "smart and courageous" and tells him to read the mood. The mood says that each side wants the other to exchange one condition