The next morning, the emperor scolds the servants for sizing up the bastard. He tells them that they are bastards, and that the one who inspected isn't even an important person. She's just a maid. The bastard says that he has been working tirelessly since he ascended the throne and that today's prosperity is all due to his hard work. He compares the way he walks and speaks to two idioms, one of which is "" , which means "getting up early and eating late at night" . He says that his posture is fine, but that the servant doesn't have the grandeur of the emperor. He also says that if he were to imitate the way the servant speaks, he would not be so bad. He then asks the servants to familiarize themselves with the play. If his handwriting is different from the servant's, the play will be revealed, and he will be able to contact the emperor to ask him to replace his attendants. The play will start on the fifteenth of the next month.
The next morning, the emperor scolds the servants for sizing up the bastard. He tells them that they are bastards, and that the one who inspected isn't even an important person. She's just a maid. The bastard says that he has been working tirelessly since he ascended the throne and that today's prosperity is all due to his hard work. He compares the way he walks and speaks to two idioms, one of which is "" , which means "getting up early and eating late at night" . He says that his posture is fine, but that the servant doesn't have the grandeur of the emperor. He also says that if he were to imitate the way the servant speaks, he would not be so bad. He then asks the servants to familiarize themselves with the play. If his handwriting is different from the servant's, the play will be revealed, and he will be able to contact the emperor to ask him to replace his attendants. The play will start on the fifteenth of the next month.