The emperor tells his servant that he is about to meet with his mother. He tells her that he wants to arrange for her to come to the palace with him so that they can have some time alone together. The emperor then tells the servant that the maid he left with the Empress Dowager has sent an urgent message saying that her mother is on the way back from the mountains. This is a completely different event from his past life, in which the empress stayed in the mountains and the emperor was in the capital
The emperor tells his servant that he is about to meet with his mother. He tells her that he wants to arrange for her to come to the palace with him so that they can have some time alone together. The emperor then tells the servant that the maid he left with the Empress Dowager has sent an urgent message saying that her mother is on the way back from the mountains. This is a completely different event from his past life, in which the empress stayed in the mountains and the emperor was in the capital