The next day, the emperor drinks a poisoned drink. He promises to help the emperor in any way he can, even at the risk of his own life. The next time he sees the emperor, he realizes that he looks exactly like the emperor. He also realizes that the emperor's father had a son who looked just like him, and that the father's son was a bastard. The emperor then explains that his brother had consulted with him about the situation and that he had decided to let the brother finish the job.
The next day, the emperor drinks a poisoned drink. He promises to help the emperor in any way he can, even at the risk of his own life. The next time he sees the emperor, he realizes that he looks exactly like the emperor. He also realizes that the emperor's father had a son who looked just like him, and that the father's son was a bastard. The emperor then explains that his brother had consulted with him about the situation and that he had decided to let the brother finish the job.