The next morning, the pirates prepare to leave for the island of Amado, where they will spend the rest of the month. As the ship approaches the island, the men prepare the breakfast table and prepare the food for the day's activities. The women, meanwhile, prepare the bed for the night. As they prepare for bed, they tease each other about the upcoming day. The men, however, do not respond to the women's taunts, and the women continue to tease the men about their lack of interest in the men. When the men return to the ship, they are surprised to find that the women have not responded to their advances, and that the men are still waiting for the women to return to them.
The next morning, the pirates prepare to leave for the island of Amado, where they will spend the rest of the month. As the ship approaches the island, the men prepare the breakfast table and prepare the food for the day's activities. The women, meanwhile, prepare the bed for the night. As they prepare for bed, they tease each other about the upcoming day. The men, however, do not respond to the women's taunts, and the women continue to tease the men about their lack of interest in the men. When the men return to the ship, they are surprised to find that the women have not responded to their advances, and that the men are still waiting for the women to return to them.