A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-5177010
A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-5142701
Chapter 60
This is a locked chapterChapter 60
About This Chapter
It's the birthday of Yuzuki, and he's so happy that he sings a happy birthday song to himself. He asks if he can have a slice of the cake, which he bought at the store. The cake is so good that he can't believe how good it is. He tells Yuzuki to teach him how to make the cake taste better, since it's his birthday. The song ends with Yuzuki saying that the cake is "the best cake i have ever eaten" . He also says that he bought it in the store, but that he made the decorations and whipped cream. He's super happy that Yuzuki made the cake for him. He says that when he went into the store to buy it, it seemed like a "shochu glass" , and that it was so sweet that he couldn't wait to eat it. He thanks Yuzuki for all of the hard work she's done to make this cake taste so good . Yuzuki then says that she made him a "kiss kiss kiss kiss"
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A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-5177010
A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 60 • Page ik-page-5142701
Chapter 60
This is a locked chapterChapter 60
About This Chapter
It's the birthday of Yuzuki, and he's so happy that he sings a happy birthday song to himself. He asks if he can have a slice of the cake, which he bought at the store. The cake is so good that he can't believe how good it is. He tells Yuzuki to teach him how to make the cake taste better, since it's his birthday. The song ends with Yuzuki saying that the cake is "the best cake i have ever eaten" . He also says that he bought it in the store, but that he made the decorations and whipped cream. He's super happy that Yuzuki made the cake for him. He says that when he went into the store to buy it, it seemed like a "shochu glass" , and that it was so sweet that he couldn't wait to eat it. He thanks Yuzuki for all of the hard work she's done to make this cake taste so good . Yuzuki then says that she made him a "kiss kiss kiss kiss"
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