A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5176724
A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5138805
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this scene, we are introduced to the "little maid" of the play, who has just finished her last day of work as a maid. She is dressed in a black dress, which she has been forced to wear in order to perform her duties. She asks the maid to kiss her on the lips, but the maid does not want to do so, for she is afraid that the kiss will make her look like a prostitute. The maid, however, is not afraid of the kiss, and so she kisses the little maid.
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A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5176724
A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5138805
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this scene, we are introduced to the "little maid" of the play, who has just finished her last day of work as a maid. She is dressed in a black dress, which she has been forced to wear in order to perform her duties. She asks the maid to kiss her on the lips, but the maid does not want to do so, for she is afraid that the kiss will make her look like a prostitute. The maid, however, is not afraid of the kiss, and so she kisses the little maid.
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