A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 50 • Page ik-page-5177000
A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 50 • Page ik-page-5139582
Chapter 50
This is a locked chapterChapter 50
About This Chapter
A straight barr in an episode 50 of "The Duke of Wellington" is having an orgasm when he is interrupted by his assistant, Yuzuki, who is trying to get him to let go of the "dry-orgasm" that he has just had. Yuzuki tries to kiss him, but he is too scared to do so, so he thrusts a glass of water at him, causing him to tremble. He tells Yuzuki that he is on duty, and that he wants to "dig a hole" in the ground so that he and Yuzuki can "disappear in it" .
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A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 50 • Page ik-page-5177000
A Straight Bartender in a Gay Bar!? • Chapter 50 • Page ik-page-5139582
Chapter 50
This is a locked chapterChapter 50
About This Chapter
A straight barr in an episode 50 of "The Duke of Wellington" is having an orgasm when he is interrupted by his assistant, Yuzuki, who is trying to get him to let go of the "dry-orgasm" that he has just had. Yuzuki tries to kiss him, but he is too scared to do so, so he thrusts a glass of water at him, causing him to tremble. He tells Yuzuki that he is on duty, and that he wants to "dig a hole" in the ground so that he and Yuzuki can "disappear in it" .
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