No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-5177238
No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-5130620
Chapter 28
This is a locked chapterChapter 28
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young narrator tries to get Jack to stop playing with his "breasts," but he can't seem to get him to stop. Jack is so excited about the kiss that he's about to give it up. The narrator asks Jack if he has been up all night, and Jack says that he has, but that he hasn't been awake long enough to kiss him. Jack asks if the kiss is just a tickle, and the narrator says that it's just like a tickle. Jack tells him that the kiss makes his body "outburst" , and he asks Jack why he wants to play with his breasts so much. Jack replies that he likes it because it makes him feel like he is "eating" his own ass. Jack tries to make him stop, but the narrator is too excited to stop him. He says that Jack is trying to "sloppier and sloppier" his body, and that Jack's body is getting hotter and hotter. Jack points out that Jack must be tired from all the emotional wringer he went through the day before. Jack says he'll draw a bath for Jack, and then the narrator sighs that Jack isn't totally right about everything.
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No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-5177238
No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 28 • Page ik-page-5130620
Chapter 28
This is a locked chapterChapter 28
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young narrator tries to get Jack to stop playing with his "breasts," but he can't seem to get him to stop. Jack is so excited about the kiss that he's about to give it up. The narrator asks Jack if he has been up all night, and Jack says that he has, but that he hasn't been awake long enough to kiss him. Jack asks if the kiss is just a tickle, and the narrator says that it's just like a tickle. Jack tells him that the kiss makes his body "outburst" , and he asks Jack why he wants to play with his breasts so much. Jack replies that he likes it because it makes him feel like he is "eating" his own ass. Jack tries to make him stop, but the narrator is too excited to stop him. He says that Jack is trying to "sloppier and sloppier" his body, and that Jack's body is getting hotter and hotter. Jack points out that Jack must be tired from all the emotional wringer he went through the day before. Jack says he'll draw a bath for Jack, and then the narrator sighs that Jack isn't totally right about everything.
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