No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5176638
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
It's pouring outside, and the rain keeps getting worse. Tomoko offers to take the girl to a nearby hotel, but the girl refuses, saying she's too wet to go back to work. She wants to take a bath first, but gars won't let her, saying it's better to wait until he's done talking her into it. The girl is glad that the rain doesn't get to her scar, but she can't figure out why she didn't go to the retreat with the other girls. She's glad that she'll never be able to have sex with a man again, because she'd be miserable without it.
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No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5176638
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
It's pouring outside, and the rain keeps getting worse. Tomoko offers to take the girl to a nearby hotel, but the girl refuses, saying she's too wet to go back to work. She wants to take a bath first, but gars won't let her, saying it's better to wait until he's done talking her into it. The girl is glad that the rain doesn't get to her scar, but she can't figure out why she didn't go to the retreat with the other girls. She's glad that she'll never be able to have sex with a man again, because she'd be miserable without it.
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