No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5177237
No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5130608
Chapter 27
This is a locked chapterChapter 27
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the sound of a fence jolting. It's the beginning of a new scene in which the audience is introduced to a new character. This time, it's a young woman who has just come out of her room and is about to be kissed by a man in his own bed. She's so excited that she cries out in pain. The man is in his room, and he's kissing her. The girl is so excited, in fact, that she's about to cry herself to sleep. She cries out so loudly that the man in the room can't hear her. He's in the middle of kissing her, and the girl's just about to fall asleep when she wakes up. She screams and screams until the man comes out of his room and starts kissing her again. He kisses her again and again, and she cries again until she falls asleep. She wakes up and screams again until he comes out again and kisses her once more. Then she screams again and screams more until he finally comes out, and they start kissing again. This is the first time we've heard this scene in a long time, so we're not sure what to make of it.
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No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5177237
No Need to Undress to Have Sex • Chapter 27 • Page ik-page-5130608
Chapter 27
This is a locked chapterChapter 27
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the sound of a fence jolting. It's the beginning of a new scene in which the audience is introduced to a new character. This time, it's a young woman who has just come out of her room and is about to be kissed by a man in his own bed. She's so excited that she cries out in pain. The man is in his room, and he's kissing her. The girl is so excited, in fact, that she's about to cry herself to sleep. She cries out so loudly that the man in the room can't hear her. He's in the middle of kissing her, and the girl's just about to fall asleep when she wakes up. She screams and screams until the man comes out of his room and starts kissing her again. He kisses her again and again, and she cries again until she falls asleep. She wakes up and screams again until he comes out again and kisses her once more. Then she screams again and screams more until he finally comes out, and they start kissing again. This is the first time we've heard this scene in a long time, so we're not sure what to make of it.
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