The next morning, the servant tells the girl that he has been summoned to the imperial court to discuss a matter important to the court. The girl is upset that the young master is trying to destroy everything in the room. The servant tells her that he will bring her some food when he returns, and she is delighted. The young master says that he is going for a walk, and the girl tells him that she has been told that his service is not needed. The two of them go for a long walk.
The next morning, the servant tells the girl that he has been summoned to the imperial court to discuss a matter important to the court. The girl is upset that the young master is trying to destroy everything in the room. The servant tells her that he will bring her some food when he returns, and she is delighted. The young master says that he is going for a walk, and the girl tells him that she has been told that his service is not needed. The two of them go for a long walk.