They’ll All Find Out That It’s Inside Me! (Having Sex With My Classmate Who’s Hiding Under the Covers) • Chapter 75 • Page ik-page-4244212
Chapter 75
This is a locked chapterChapter 75
About This Chapter
The narrator is having sex with a boy who is hiding under a creak in the wall. The boy is Yuko, and the sex is between the boy and Yuko. The narrator tries to look good and show off his good looks by showing off his front, but the boy is too scared to do so. He tries to squeeze the boy, but he can't, because he's a spoiled child. Finally, the boy slaps Yuko and says, "slap slap slap as always" . It's weird, he says, because it's the same thing he did with Roxane the last time he had sex with her.
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They’ll All Find Out That It’s Inside Me! (Having Sex With My Classmate Who’s Hiding Under the Covers) • Chapter 75 • Page ik-page-4244212
Chapter 75
This is a locked chapterChapter 75
About This Chapter
The narrator is having sex with a boy who is hiding under a creak in the wall. The boy is Yuko, and the sex is between the boy and Yuko. The narrator tries to look good and show off his good looks by showing off his front, but the boy is too scared to do so. He tries to squeeze the boy, but he can't, because he's a spoiled child. Finally, the boy slaps Yuko and says, "slap slap slap as always" . It's weird, he says, because it's the same thing he did with Roxane the last time he had sex with her.
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