“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 29 • Page ik-page-4222107
Chapter 29
This is a locked chapterChapter 29
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the two men have been together for only a short time, and that they've been having sex for a "new life" where they can "fuck with a lvl999 massage this" . We're not exactly sure what that means, but we're guessing it's a new life for a guy who's been "forced" to have sex with a woman who has been "cursed" by him and his partner. The two men are now "more manly" , and they're ready to "grind" and "suck" one another. They're both "hunkering" and trying to "taste" what's in store for them, but they can't quite figure out what to do with each other yet. The only thing they can do is "lick" each other, and the only thing that's going to happen is that the woman will "lift" the curse on the two of them. They can either "destroy" the "medium" she used to "curse" them with , or they can just "grink" and suck each other. The men are all "sucking," and the woman is all "mooching." The men's mouths are also "erogenous zones," so they can feel the "juice" of the woman's mouth . The
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 29 • Page ik-page-4222107
Chapter 29
This is a locked chapterChapter 29
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that the two men have been together for only a short time, and that they've been having sex for a "new life" where they can "fuck with a lvl999 massage this" . We're not exactly sure what that means, but we're guessing it's a new life for a guy who's been "forced" to have sex with a woman who has been "cursed" by him and his partner. The two men are now "more manly" , and they're ready to "grind" and "suck" one another. They're both "hunkering" and trying to "taste" what's in store for them, but they can't quite figure out what to do with each other yet. The only thing they can do is "lick" each other, and the only thing that's going to happen is that the woman will "lift" the curse on the two of them. They can either "destroy" the "medium" she used to "curse" them with , or they can just "grink" and suck each other. The men are all "sucking," and the woman is all "mooching." The men's mouths are also "erogenous zones," so they can feel the "juice" of the woman's mouth . The
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