“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-4222110
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young narrator tries to convince himself that his sex life with Elmire is not as bad as it sounds. He tells himself that he is traveling by his "self" and that his magic is not nearly as good as that of someone else. He asks Elmire to give him a kiss, but she does not respond. He then asks her what is wrong with her, and she tells him that she has had an "alcohol" . The young narrator then asks if she can drink alcohol in this age group, and Elmire responds that she can, but that she cannot drink it in this "world" because she is "getting hard" with her sex life. She then asks him to give her a "grind" , and he responds that he does not know what grind is, but he does know that it is "grinding" him. Elmire asks him if he has ever done such a thing, and when he says that he would never do it, she says that she would do it if he did it. He says that there is nothing wrong with "a little mas sage," and he asks her to tell him what she has done. She tells him to "scare down there" and then to "slide rustle ba" and "dmp ba" so that she will "do whatever i say." He then tells her to squeeze him with her "fin gers" and to "shudder down there." He asks her if she has ever
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“I’ll Make Them Cum With My Fingering!” a New Life Where I Can Fuck With a LV999 Massage • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-4222110
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young narrator tries to convince himself that his sex life with Elmire is not as bad as it sounds. He tells himself that he is traveling by his "self" and that his magic is not nearly as good as that of someone else. He asks Elmire to give him a kiss, but she does not respond. He then asks her what is wrong with her, and she tells him that she has had an "alcohol" . The young narrator then asks if she can drink alcohol in this age group, and Elmire responds that she can, but that she cannot drink it in this "world" because she is "getting hard" with her sex life. She then asks him to give her a "grind" , and he responds that he does not know what grind is, but he does know that it is "grinding" him. Elmire asks him if he has ever done such a thing, and when he says that he would never do it, she says that she would do it if he did it. He says that there is nothing wrong with "a little mas sage," and he asks her to tell him what she has done. She tells him to "scare down there" and then to "slide rustle ba" and "dmp ba" so that she will "do whatever i say." He then tells her to squeeze him with her "fin gers" and to "shudder down there." He asks her if she has ever
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